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M63: Sunflower Galaxy in Canes Vanetici

RA: 13 hrs 15 min; Dec +42 deg 01 min

Date & Site:

Telescope: AT8RC (1625mm fl f/8)

Mount: Losmandy G-11 with Gemini
Camera: ST-10XME; CFW10 with Astrodon LRGB filters;

Off-axis guiding: Hutech OAG-5 and SBIG guide camera


Exposures and filters: 90 min of luminance (10 min subs) and 20 minutes each of RGB (5 minute subs 2x2 binned) for a total of only 2hrs 15 min.

FOV =24.8 x 21 arc minutes

M63 is a spiral galaxy with a central disc surrounded by many short spiral arm segments. M63 is part of the M51 Group, a group of galaxies that naturally includes M51, the 'Whirlpool Galaxy.

Located 37 million light years away

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