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IC 342



IC 342: Intermediate Spiral Galaxy in Camelopardalis

RA= 3 hr 46 min; Dec = +68 deg 05 min

Date & Site:

Imaged on 9/16/17; Palomar Mountain, CA

Conditions: temps in the mid 50's; calm; good seeing; poor transparency early in the night


Telescope: TEC140 refractor; 980mm fl @ f/7

Guider: SBIG internal camera guidechip

Mount: AP 1100 CP3
Camera: ST-10XME; CFW10; Astrodon Gen 2 LRGB filters


Exposures: 160 minutes of lum; 30 min each RGB (10 minute subexposures) for total of 4 hours 10 minutes

IC 342 is positioned only 10 degrees from the galactic equator where dust obscuration makes it a difficult object to photograph and to estimate distance.

10 million ly distant

(image reduced to 60% of original size)

FOV = 52 x 35 arc minutes

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