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IC1318: Gamma Cygni Nebula Complex

RA: 20 hrs 22 min; Dec +40 deg 15 min

Date & Site:

Telescope: FSQ106 (540mm fl f/5)

Mount: Losmandy G-11 with Gemini
Camera: ST-10XME; CFW10 with Astrodon Ha (3nm) and RGB filters;

Piggyback guide scope (AT66ED) with SBIG guide camera


Exposures and filters: 120 min of Ha (15 min subs) and 25 minutes each of RGB (5 min subs) for a total of 3hrs 15 min.

FOV =96 x 65 arc minutes

IC 1318 is a massive HII region and is considered to be among the brightest nebula in the Cygnus complex. The visible HII region spans over 100 light years. This iImage shows two parts of the Cygnus nebula complex including IC1318b (upper) and IC1318c (lower) separated by a dark nebula known as LDN 899. The very bright star to the right of the image (Sadr, the center star of the Northern Cross) is not considered part of the nebula but rather a foreground star) located about 1/2 way between us and the nebula.


Located 3700 light years away

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